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Schüler | Niedersachsen
16.12.2009 um 15:14 Uhr

hier gibts summaries von allen kapiteln:

einfach aufs chapter klicken.
ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
17.12.2009 um 16:21 Uhr
hier hab ich mal recht schoene summaries von chapter 1 und 6:

chapter 1:
henry smart, the unreliable narrator, introduces his family and describes life in Dublin's slums. He imagines how his grandmother, not yet 40, might have come to Dublin and how his parents might have met.These are the stories he invents.
His grandmother,Granny Nash,came from the country and has escaped the famine,but she could have been Dublin-bred,a foreigner,an orphan or a lapsed nun who loves reading books,looking for magic spells. In 1897 her daughter,Melody Nash,who is 16, bumps into the drunken,22-year-old Henry Smart senior,who has lost his wooden leg. They fall in love (with each other's names) and marry. Nobody knows how and where Henry senior lost his leg but the stories he tells about it make him special. As for Melody,her life becomes an utter failure and does not reflect her name.
The concept of childhood in the Dublin of those days did not exist;there was no music in her life.Their son,however,imagines how they settle down as newly weds in a room of their own in a red light district,full of hope for their future together.Henry Smart senior works as a respected and feared bouncer for Dolly Oblong,the owner of a well-known brothel,and he kills Costello,the policeman who molests Melody.
Only six days later,Melody has become a decrepit alcaholic who mourns for her dead children and tells little Henry that their ghosts have become twinkling stars in the sky.

chapter 6:
five years later,in 1916,Henry has become a member of the Irish Ciizen Army (ICA).He had spent the previous three years in Liberty Hall with James Connolly,who had become his foster father and taught him how to read and write and to believe in himself.
On Easter Monday,April 24,republican rebels (Henry amongst them) of the Irish Volunteers ab the ICA storm the GPO and await the British. Henry watches Patrick Pearse read the Proclamation of the Irish Republic,and remembers how Connolly wouldn't let him sign in the day before because he was too young. Henry placates Piano Annie and the other widows or wives of Irish soldiers in the British Army by convincing Collins and the Volunteers to give them ''allowances'' from the money they found in the GPO.It becomes obvious that Henry hates the Volunteers because they detest the ''slummers'' and their low lives. The first dragoons arrive and Henry begins,in memory of Victor,to fire indiscriminatelt into the shop windows opposite. He is symbolically killing everything that he has been denied in his life.
For the next two days in the GPO, Henry has to sit out and wait for the real fighting to begin,and is bored.He describes the growing tension in the IRA,which is largely based on class. Members of the ICA believe they are fighting a class war,while the Volunteers immediately reach for their rosaries when the shooting starts. There are rumours of fighting outside Dublin. Meanwhile,Thr IRA has commandeered strategic points in the city. The first serious arguments between the Volunteers and the ICA begin when they watch Irish people looting nearby shops.
On Wednesday,April 26,heavy combat with the British begins. Henry,however, who has been occupied with MissO'Shea,whom he had met the day before,meets her again in the basement of the GPO.She seduces him and the two of them let go of their old selves,their inhibitions and fears. As they find each other,they liberate their desire and each other,and Henry learns that MissO'Shea longs for (her) freedom and a new life as much as he does.
During the next two days,Henry and the other rebels admit defeat and see that central Dublin lies in ruins,and an atmosphere of death is everywhere.James Connolly is seriously injured and Henry feels numb as the first of his fellow revolutionaries die. The rebels surrender on Saturday,April 29 via a message signed by Pearse.Most of the rebels have been arrested and are being marches to Richmond Barracks or Kilmainham Gaol.
In disguise as ''Brian O'Linn'' and drawing on his father's earlier escape route through the sewers,Henry manages to escape via the Carmac River.
On Wednesday,May 3,he finds shelter at Piano Annie's house in Summerhill while most of his comrades are being executed in Kilmainham Gaol.Henry is deeply affected at Annie's daily accounts of their violent and blatant injustice of the rebels' deaths,there is public outcry and they become martyrs. Annie predicts that Henry will also be an Irish hero.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kleene89 am 17.12.2009 um 17:38 Uhr
Schüler | Niedersachsen
21.01.2010 um 22:14 Uhr
Hey Leute

Ich finde das echt super, dass ihr alle hier so viele Sachen reinstellt.
Aber meint ihr nicht, dass manche Sachen überhaupt keinen Sinn machen.
Zum Beispiel die Sachen mit dem Teacher´s Guide.
Das kann bestimmt hilfreich sein, aber jeder Lehrer merkt doch, dass ihr das nicht selbst gemacht habt.
Noch nicht einmal der beste Schüler würde sowas schreiben können.
Außerdem hat der Lehrer selbst den Teacher´s Guide und merkt doch sofort, dass man das daraus entnommen hat.
Also ist das nicht so sinnvoll die Sachen einfach nur kopieren und so abgeben, sondern ihr solltet die Sachen doch nochmal überarbeiten und evtl ein paar Fehler einbauen, damit das nicht perfekt wirkt.
Das mache ich auch so und obwohl da noch jede Menge Fehler drin sind, sind die Ausarbeitungen relativ gelungen.

Liebe Grüße
ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
27.03.2010 um 14:46 Uhr
hallo smile

ich hab mal eine übersicht zu allen kapiteln teilweise aus dem internet, teilweise selbst geschrieben, mit meinen notizen aus dem unterricht, einer übersicht zu den im buch genannten organisationen und der meisten figuren zusammengestellt.
sowas finde ich immer ganz hilfreich zum lernen Augenzwinkern

also viel spaß Zunge raus
Schüler | Niedersachsen
30.03.2010 um 13:39 Uhr
Hallo ihr Lieben!
Ich habe gestern mithilfe der "Königserläuterung" und des Internets Zusammenfassungen für jedes Kapitel geschrieben. Meine Englischlehrerin hat das bereits korrigiert.
Vielleicht hilft es euch ja.
Liebe Grüße =)
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