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Schüler | Niedersachsen
11.08.2010 um 17:00 Uhr
hat jemand zufällig eine zusammenfassung für den Text "A soul in chains" von frederick douglass...

es geht um einen jungen der als sklave geboren wird und auch als einer leben beschreibt sein leben und die arbeit

Collect information from the text on the living and working conditions of slaves!Summerize your information in an essay!

Danke schonmal im vorraussmile
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96 Jan 96
Schüler | Niedersachsen
11.08.2010 um 17:04 Uhr
Wäre auch sehr interessiert, wir müssen den Text nämlich auch lesen ich bin in Englisch aber ehr mässig deshalb habe ich damit so meine Probleme Augen rollen

Also würde mich über eine gute Zusammenfassung ebenfalls sehr freuen oder wenn jemand irgendetwas wichtiges dazu weiß ich denke alles kann hilfreich sein.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von 96 Jan 96 am 11.08.2010 um 17:06 Uhr
Schüler | Niedersachsen
11.08.2010 um 17:23 Uhr
also ich habe das rausgefunden für living and working conditions :

The living and working conditions of the slaves were very hard. Often slaves got tied up to a joist and whipped upon their naked backs till they were covered with blood. They didn't get much food and their clothing was very thin and cheap. In addition to this there were no beds for the slaves, all they got was a coarse blanket. Through heaps of work and harsh enslavers the slaves did not get much sleep, as they had to prepare for the field for the coming day. At last there is to say, that especially the working conditions were very hard, as they had to work on hot day, on very cold days, in the snow and in the rain. The enslavers did not know any mercy.
Schüler | Niedersachsen
11.08.2010 um 17:52 Uhr
In der Schule hatten wir folgende Stichpunkte an der Tafel. Allerdings haben wir das nur von Zeile 1-77 gemacht:

- suffered from violence (as punishment or arbitrarily)
- under constant supervision of an oversser, slaves were completely at the mercy of their overseer/master
- meagre supply of clothing
- sold to other plantations/traders if not useful to their master or as punishment/deterrent (warning) to other slaves
- did not get much sleep, were expected to do household chores after long working hours
- were expected to obey immediately and unquestioningly
- got only a restricted amount of food, very simple diet, monotonous food (always the same)
- children were worthless/not provided for until old enough to work

Hoffe, dass ihr damit etwas anfangen könnt. Ansonsten einfach fragen Augenzwinkern

Schüler | Niedersachsen
11.08.2010 um 19:14 Uhr
hat schon jemand aufg. 3? "examine the relationship between literacy und slavery as represented by Douglass in his narrative. [...]
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