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Schüler | Schleswig-Holstein
22.09.2015 um 16:22 Uhr
Guten Tag ,

könntet ihr bitte ein Blick auf mein "Comment " werfen und eventuell auch Ratschläge geben?

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Germany blames other countries for not respecting female rights,however even in our country female rights are not fullfilled.Female workers still earn less, doing the same job as men.SO far we could not disocer why this is still the case.
The question if "should female and male employees have the same rights at the workplace " has met with a lot of atttention lately.
I am in favour of that female workers should have the same rights at the workplace.

In the following i will illustrate a few arguments to support my opinion .
In the first place it must be said,that in companies which have more female workers in the creative sector or chairman stage are more creative.
Also they are more succescull than the other companies with more male employees in higher positions.
It is well known ,that women see things in a differnt way.
In Addition female workers change the way of looking.As a result we can work and plan more imagenative than other firms.

Another argument i would like to bring in is that the education makes the difference not the sex.
The reason why i Said it it that a lot of employers have prejudices fpr the female sex.

They only reduce female wprkers on their own prejudices.Moreover ,the female employees have the same skills and work experience but male workers are prefered.
Not every human bevahes as the ether. Not every women is an chatterbox.Sometimes there are male chatterboxes too.
So we have to put our prejudices asside and give every human and individual chance to prove himself.

The last and most decisive argument is that women have to tribute sometimes their career to give birth to a child.
Although we have a rosomg number of dads who take care of their children and work less than their wifes.
Still women take this the part in the household.

It is already knowhn that many companies dont employ female workers just because they give birth to a child.
What is more a fact why we have a less number of females in higher positions in companies.

It is a fact that childbearing stops the career of a long period of time.
Moreover, the comeback is more difficult.
This is one fact we have to higlight in germany.
It is forbidden to sack women who are pregnant.
Therefore,we havee to give the weomen a safer job garantie and an easier comeback to work.

To sum up it must be said that arguments like with female workers we have more creativity ,the education is important not the sex and that women have to tribute their career to give birth to a child are far outweigh than the counterside.

In my opinion women should have equal rights to men in workplace.
THerefore we definitely have to adjust the salary fot same jobs.
And give female workers the probs and the respect for their ability that belongs them.
In general we should throw our old aged,worldpicture away,which says that women are not equal to men with regard to the right

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