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Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
23.04.2009 um 22:16 Uhr
Dieser Thread dient als Übersicht und benötigt die Beteiligung und Aufmerksamkeit aller!

Das heißt im Klartext, ihr Postet eure Stichpunkte, Verbesserungsvorschläge, Ergänzungen etc. unter meinem Post. Ich nehme diese mit in meinem auf und wir erhalten eine Übersicht in der so ziemlich alles stehen sollte. Natürlich wird dann auch euer Name in diesem Post stehen.

Ich hoffe auf rege Beteiligung, unsere Klausur ist schließlich schon am Montag!

Gruß, Jan


  • The driving forces of globalisation

    Media/Communication technology
    - TV (comercials)
    - internet
    - radio
    - mobilephones

    - language (school)

    Economic liberalisation/policy
    - companies
    - political organisations (EU, UNO, NATO)

    - planes
    - ships
    - trains
    - lorries (trucks)
  • The definition of globalisation
    - refers to the worldwide change on an economic, technological and cultural level.
    - also refers to teh growing interaction between cultures and economies -> global village
  • Possibilities of globalisation

    Shrinking World
    - interrelated (zusammenhängend ), interdependent (verflochten ) and intertwined (ineinander greidend ) economies.

    advantages of globalisation
    - free trade and open economics--> prosperity
    - spread of democracy, freedom, human rights
    - greater understanding between people from all over the world --> peaceful world, shared values, economic prosperity, ecological stability

    disadvantages of globalisation
    - growing gap between rich and poor (two class society)
    - decrease (sinken ) of social classes: poverty, unemployment (danver for society)
    -less effort on security in industrial states (security vanishes (verschwinden ))
    - erosion of natural cultures in Europe, massive immigration

    Hopes and fears of globalisation
    - changing (economic, political, social) could be "painful" and too fast.
    - factories produce with machines, less workers are needed (the consequence is unemployment)
    - companies have been restructuring (moving between states causes unemployment, too.)

    Insecurity and disillusionment of globalisation
    - raising issues (fear of an unvertrain future, insecurity, anger)
    - global financial markets (financial collapse sends panic waves through the whole global economy)
    - social problems (unemployment, poverty, crime)
    - shit (wechsel ) in family values (more divorces, breakdown in relationships, psychological problems)
  • Export Processing Zones (short: EPZs)

    - often found in 3rd world countries, investments by international companies
    -sometimes cooperation with corrupt governments
    - employers: low taxes; lossened laws for environments protection and treatment of workers.
    - effect on workers: low salary; miserable working conditions (health risks); child labour (Arbeit ); exploitation (Ausbeutung )
  • Consequence for the Nature

  • Kyoto Protocol (by United Nations Framework Convention on climate Change)
    - reduce greenhouse gas conzentration to a level that prevent dangers for nature, environment and human's health.
  • Deregulation
    - Political decisions, laws or agreements, are cut back.
    - no strict payment rules
    - flixible rules for employment
    - cutting back health insurance
    - losening working conditions (more working hours)

    - free market, flexibility, independence, mobility
  • Neo-liberalism
    - trade without limits
    - the market takes care of itself
    - no political restrictions are accepted
    - economic freedom
  • United Nations

    - officially came into existence on 24 October 1945à UN Charter has been ratified
    - now celebrated as United Nations Day
    - purpose: to bring all nations of the world together to work for peace and development
    - based on: principles of justice, human dignity, well-being of all people
    - currently 192 members
    - meet in General Assembly: kind of world parliament
    - each country has a single vote; none of the decisions are binding
    - Headquarter: New York City
    - has its own flag, own post office, own postage stamps
    - six official languages used

    - to keep peace around the world
    - to develop friendly relations between nations
    - to work together to eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world
    - to stop environmental destruction
    - centre for helping nations achieve this aims

An diesem Thread beteiligte sich außer mir bisher:

spongebobs.wife, atti90

Ein Großes DANKE an alle Beteiligten!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Janizzle am 24.04.2009 um 16:57 Uhr
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Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
24.04.2009 um 10:21 Uhr
Globalization Definition:
- refers to the worldwide change on an economic, technological and cultural level.
- also refers to teh growing interaction between cultures and economies -> global village
Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
24.04.2009 um 12:06 Uhr
globalization, also mit 'z' ist übrigens american english Augenzwinkern
Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
24.04.2009 um 12:12 Uhr
Original von Janizzle
globalization, also mit 'z' ist übrigens american english Augenzwinkern

jaaa ich weiß xD
ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
24.04.2009 um 12:26 Uhr
- free trade and open economics--> prosperity
- spread of democracy, freedom, human rights
- greater understanding between people from all over the world --> peaceful world, shared values, economic prosperity, ecological stability

- gap between rich and poor
- inequality, pollution
- erosion of natural cultures in Europe, massive immigration
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