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Schüler | Nordrhein-Westfalen
23.04.2009 um 20:20 Uhr
Dieser Thread dient als Übersicht und benötigt die Beteiligung und Aufmerksamkeit aller!

Das heißt im Klartext, ihr Postet eure Stichpunkte, Verbesserungsvorschläge, Ergänzungen etc. unter meinem Post. Ich nehme diese mit in meinem auf und wir erhalten eine Übersicht in der so ziemlich alles stehen sollte. Natürlich wird dann auch euer Name in diesem Post stehen.

Ich hoffe auf rege Beteiligung, unsere Klausur ist schließlich schon am Montag!

Gruß, Jan


The Commonwealth
  • The old Commonwealth

    - British Empire as a Commonwealth of nations
    - thoughts behind: decolonization, effects of who world wars, changing outward appereance of international relations.
    - process of decolonization (in 19th cent.) starts in Canada. (Canada became a self-governing domination)
    - racial equality
  • The new Commonwealth

    - international organisation, aims to advance human rights, democracy
    - also political advantages for member states
    - about 33 member states
    - Queen as head of the Commonwealth
    - new goals for the Commonwealth (by Tony Blair):
    fight against Aids, terrorism, illegal immigration; avoud economic trouble; fix the world trade
  • Pro and contra of the Commonwealth

    - bringing countries together
    - links people of different cultures
    - better understanding
    - shared values
    - adressing problems
    - good governance

    - big differences between the countries
    - traditions get lost
    - no political power
    - no binding effect of the declarations
    - has often been compared to a gentlemen's club
    - historical origings keep fading: historical background gets lost--> negative effect on the member states' feeling of belonging together
  • The colonal heritage of Great Britain

    - Britain's fist colony was Ireland
    - many immigrants came from old colonies
    - Irish are the largest imigrant group in Great Britain

    - Breat Britain's traders sell slaves from Africa to households and to the spanish settler.
    - slaves are needed for the farm work (cotton and suger farms)
    - first colony in North-America in 17th century
    - Great Britain as leeding majority in slave trade (middle 18th century)
    - function of slaves: work and produce more slaves
    - Argumentation to justify the system: Africans/Blacks are not fully human
    - bartering (Tauschhandel ) with slaves. Goods for slaves, then sold the slaves again to get goods/money

An diesem Thread beteiligte sich außer mir bisher:


Ein Großes DANKE an alle Beteiligten!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Janizzle am 24.04.2009 um 13:08 Uhr
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ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
24.04.2009 um 12:46 Uhr
- association of independent states
- almost all are former colonies

- to promote democracy, human rights, good governance
- to give countries opportunity to interact economically

- Commonwealth Secretariat in London
- decision-making forum: CHOGM

- bringing countries together
- links people of different cultures
- better understanding
- shared values
- adressing problems
- good governance

- big differences between the countries
- traditions get lost
- no political power
- no binding effect of the declarations
- has often been compared to a gentlemen's club
- historical origings keep fading: historical background gets lost--> negative effect on the member states' feeling of belonging together
ehm. Abiunity Nutzer
24.04.2009 um 13:29 Uhr
Britain: From Empire to Commonwealth

• Beginning of 20th century: climax of her power (1/4 of earth)
• Based on global import & export [trade triangle: weapons to West Africa -> slaves to West indies -> sugar to Britain; rice,tea…)
• Royal charters gave private companies trading rights -> British East India Company
• 1876: British rule in India because of financial crisis -> Emperor of India
• End 19th century: “scramble for Africa” -> division
• Protection of British crown: civilization -> British <-> Dutch
• Christianity as a way of improving Africa -> missionaries converted Africans -> colonialism
• Fall of Empire: decolonization -> complex process ending with independence of colonies; “abolition of all superiority complex in the mind of all colonizers”
• Britain= sense of superiority/ self-confidence
• After WWII: financial crisis -> economic & diplomatic relationship between states more profitable
o Woodrow Wilson: Fourteen Points -> criticism of colonialism
• Christianity established self-confidence of people
• End 19th /beginning 20th century: domanian status [self-government but British monarch as Head of State]
• India = “jewel in the crown” / big market
o 1947: India (Hindu) & Pakistan (Muslim) independence -> East & West Pakistan -> Banglades (1971, East)

Important Dates
• 1783: loss of American colonies
• 1867-1921: dominon status of colonies
• 1947: India’s & Pakistan’s independence
• 1991: Harare Commonwealth Declaration
• 1997: Hong Kong handed back to China

-> All accept Queen as Head of Commonwealth
-> 33 are republic
-> 54 countries: 30% of world population
-> 5 nationals monarchies of their own
-> 16 constitutional monarchies

Pillars of the Empire
• Commerce
• Conquest
• Colonization & civilization
• Christianity

-> 3 types of colonies: settlement colonies; trading posts; important strategic locations
Zuletzt bearbeitet von brownteddybaer am 24.04.2009 um 13:30 Uhr
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